Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Indonesia's role in Climate Change Summit

The meeting which took place in Danish hagen copen is about climate change is happening the world. This confluence is very important because survival berkaitaitan of people living on this green earth. No less than 100 leaders of state or heads of government participated in this summit, is not as easy as that envisioned in the summit is much difference of opinion occurs between developed countries with developing countries.

Indonesia is very important role in this summit because Indonesia is the largest state forest owners, forest Indonesia as the world's lungs and oxygen penyuplay for the world's largest. Indonesian forests is not only government responsibility but also international responsibilities, therefore president is committed to bringing Indonesia, brought Indonesian forests better. Prompts president to plant one tree, a park and a forest, a commitment by the president SBY dubawa in siding climate change summit in copen hagen, Danish.

Forest destruction in Indonesia must be a shared responsibility, not only governments but also international jawb responsibility. Hopefully in this summit is not the aggrieved party either for advanced countries and developing countries or take the best deal for Indonesia and continuity in the life of the world community. Success for Indonesia, which represents developing countries anspirasi and mebawa best decision.

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